David Coehorst
David Coehorst
Fiction & Documentary
Frits Mossel | Visland
Emma Westenberg | Bleeding Love
Aitan Ebrahimoff | Parasite By Proxy
Mula B | Blokke Gepikt
Cero Ismael | WY
Engel Stam | Het Nest
Max Blomaard | A Place Of Our Own
Omroep Zwart | BORI
Bobbie Koek | A Teenage Love Affair
Emma Westenberg | Fresh Blood
Rutger van Leeuwen | Jerry
Camille Bouwmans | Merged Waters
Aitan Ebrahimoff | Third Rock
Art Basel x Nowness | Nora Turato
Project: Visland
Director Frits Mossel | Production: Trip To The Moon Films | Dialogue Editing, Sound Design & Mix: Andrés Aracena & David Coehorst | Music: Olaf Kroon